Friday, October 2, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

I have literally been eating, breathing and sleeping clay and making flowers.  I wake up, go through my morning routine and then from morning to night spend my time studying each flower thoroughly, sketching it to make sure I understand the construction and then finally making it out of clay.

My stuff is sprawled all over our dining room which has now been claimed as my home studio.  I'll post up a picture soon so that you can literally see how awesome of a husband I have to be patient with me for taking over the place.

Recently, I've graduated from making roses and have been working on some new flowers.  My sister's good friend is getting married tomorrow and I thought it would be nice to give her a flower hairpiece to wear for her wedding.  I have made several failed attempts before I finally made this one.  It's not exactly the way that I wanted it to turn out, but I think it's pretty good for a beginner.

I recently found out that people pay $70-$100 just to use a real one on their wedding day and I just couldn't justify spending that much money on something that won't last.  A clay flower would be such a better alternative.  Now if only I knew how to make these three years ago when I first got married!

The next project that I'm working on is a mini bouquet for my class.  It's going to consist of an anemone, peony, roses and some stephanotis.  I thought pastels would be a safe color scheme so here some pictures of the flowers that I'll be putting together soon.  The gerber daisy is something that I wanted to practice.

I'll post up the stephanotis at a later time when I have all the stems attached to flowers. Have a great weekend!


  1. amazing catherine!!!! The flowers are gorgeous and look soooo real!

  2. ooh, these are great! i couldn't tell that the gerber daisy was not real.

  3. what do they feel like after they dry. are they brittle and will they break easily or are they a lil flexible?

  4. hey juna, I should bring a flower over sometime so you can feel it. It's not like regular clay. It's a little flexible and very light. It won't break unless you literally rip the pieces apart.

  5. Catherine,
    I met you and Bernie at CrossWay a couple of weeks ago but never got around to looking at your blog til just now.
    I really liked all of your creations, especially the flower topiaries and this white flower on this Oct 2 post - amazing!
    Our family is leaving for China this week, but if we were going to be around longer we'd definitely love to take one of your classes on making these type of flowers!
    Its great that you find so much pleasure in this!
    Best of success to you!
    Wade (
