Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day of Class

I'm finally a student again!  I've been dabbling with the clay and creating flowers on my own without any instruction so I was eagerly awaiting my first day of class and I was not disappointed.

I wish I had brought my camera so that I could show you how beautiful my teacher's studio was. She had all of her floral projects displayed on her wall and we all had our own stations with all the supplies neatly arranged.  I'm trying to convince Bernie to give me the den in our apartment to make my own home studio=)

My instructor wasted no time in getting us started with our first project which was making a "proper rose" and used those to decorate a mirror. I will have to post a picture of that at a later time because my completed project is still drying.

This little guy is a bear I had to make completely out of deco clay. When my instructor first showed me a picture of what I would have to make, I had no idea how I was going to crank this one out.  However, I'm quite pleased with what I did.  Not bad for a first try!

Below are pictures of my last project which was a rose and shell wreath.  

Lastly, I would like to leave you with a full rose that I've been working on.

I'm thoroughly enjoying learning different ways that I can create things with different types of clay.  I've recently made some bowls using red clay with some beautiful glazes.  I'll save those for a later post.


  1. so so so cool catherine!! You're so talented!

  2. awesome catherine.. you go girl! They look great... and i'm glad your class was so fun. That bear is so cute!

  3. the BEAR IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wow...i'm truly impressed! Your flowers seem to be improving with every new post and how is it that you made your bear look so soft and cuddly?! :)

  5. WOW! Catherine! It's so cute! I had to take a second look to see if the bear was stuffed or if it was clay! You should teach a class at church! :)

  6. I'll be certified in a couple of months so hopefully I'll be able to teach soon!

  7. you should show them a picture of the bear's butt.
